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Horizontal Development Workflow
2 Different Paths for Issachar
18 Month Projects
Embry identifies a project for
Issachar Capital Group
Embry performs due diligance
1. Review project, write contract, draw concept site plan, meet with municipality 2. Create zoning site plan, file zoning application with the municipality 3. Zoning process – public hearings for planning commission and city council/board of commissioners for approval of final rezoning 4. ALTA survey, Geo Technical report, Phase 1 environmental report 5. Engineer starts drafting development plans to be filed with municipality 6. Municipality reviews and comments on plans for revisions 7. Approval of plans. Issuance of land disturbance permit (LDP)
National Builder

Builder presents completed due diligence project with LDP to Embry Development

Embry performs due diligence /
Double checks the Builder
Embry Development

Embry presents project model to Issachar fund
Project Model Example | 125 Lot Subdivision

Land Cost
Development Cost
Total Development Cost
Builder's Deposit 15% *
Running Total
Carry Cost *
Running Total
Investors 18 Month Return 18%
Construction Cost
Sale Price
Total Cost
Builders Deposit
Developer's Profit
Project opens to Lenders
Lenders have the opportunity to participate in the new project.
Issachar loans money to Embry Development for horizontal development cost.
Lender's contract is effective the day Embry receives the money.
Issachar is recorded as first lien position in the deed.
Embry develops the infrastructure of the project
Horizontal Development Phases

LDP Filed with Municipality
LDP Approved
Clearing and Erosion Control Starts
Grading Begins
Storm Drains and Detention ponds installed
Sewer Installed
Curb & Paving Installed
Water Lines & Services Installed
Amenities Installed (If Applicable)
Final Plat
At the end of the project when it is sold to the builder, Lenders are paid 1% for every month they were in the project plus return of principle
Maximum of 18 months and a minimum of 6 months
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